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people beautiful smile with coffee, North Peace Dental and Implant Centre, Fort St John, BC, Canada

Implant Supported Bridges

Implant Supported Bridge

Replacing multiple missing teeth in the same area

In situations where multiple adjacent teeth are missing in the same area, an implant-supported bridge can provide an ideal solution. Implant supported bridge uses two dental implants (or more) to support a bridge of multiple connected crowns, replacing several missing teeth with just two implants rather than placing an individual implant for each missing tooth. This treatment option is a fixed option, which means the teeth are permanently attached to the implants. It offers excellent aesthetics, restores natural function, and ensures long-term durability with proper home care.

Implant Supported Bridge_North Peace Dental and Implant Centre_Fort St John, BC, Canada

Alternative Treatment Options

Alternative treatment options for replacing multiple missing teeth:

  • Do nothing. It is not uncommon for patients to choose to leave missing teeth area without doing anything. However, having multiple missing teeth in the same area can potentially lead to complications, including shifting of adjacent teeth, changes in bite alignment, over closed bite, and bone loss in the area where the tooth was lost.

  • Removable partial dentures (flipper) is a traditional removable device to replace missing teeth. Removable dentures are easy to fabricate, and is more affordable compared to implant options. However, patients often report that denture teeth feel less real and less functional.

  • Single tooth implant replacement can be used to replace multiple missing teeth in the same areas. Sometimes this option is more ideal than implant supported bridge as it can accommodate more flexible angulation in complex areas (such as canine area and anterior area). 

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Implant Supported Bridge Process

Know what to expect for your implant supported bridge treatment

The implant supported bridge process is very similar to single implant tooth replacement. It begins with an implant consult, where suitability and treatment options are discussed, followed by a treatment plan review session to discuss outcomes, processes and challenges. Implant surgery is then performed to place the titanium implant fixture into the bone, often combined with bone graft or sinus lift procedure if needed. After the surgery, follow up appointments at 3 days, 2 weeks, and 6 weeks are scheduled to monitor healing and potential complications. After 4 months,  a digital scan will be taken during the prosthetic stage to fabricate the custom crown, followed by a try-in/insert appointment. Once the crown is inserted, another follow-up will be done to ensure good bite relation. If required, soft tissue graft would be recommended after the crown insertion to create good maintenance environment for the implant longevity.

Implant Supported Bridge Process_North Peace Dental and Implant Centre_Fort St John, BC, Canada